If you go to to https://clarity.fm/yourusername/widget and replace 'yourusername' with your actual user name, you should see an Embed code link to add a widget that includes your profile/per minute rate/Request a call Button. Feel free to give me a call if you'd like help implementing this into y...
Clarity probably is not the best platform for finding a producer. My advice is to reach out to some folks in the TV industry via LinkedIn or Twitter.
Hi there, I know this can be a frustrating problem.. I've been on Clarity since 2012 when its creator, Dan Martell, invited me and several others to the launch event and asked us to sign up as experts. For the first few years, I had hardly any calls. Also, it seemed like only those in the IT sta...
If you are asking about searching for previous questions you have asked on the Clarity platform, you can use the search bar on the Clarity website. There you can search by keyword or filter by project or topic to find your past questions. Additionally you also can check your previous interactions...
The way I see things, a pay-per-minute phone consultation ought to involve no sales pitch whatsoever. Nobody wants to pay for that, and nobody should. Consulting and sales are utterly different roles. Mutually exclusive, in fact. Is your value proposition external to the call or internal? A ...
Almost every day people come to me to help him/ her find a purpose. Many had tried defining life mission, set SMART goals, develop strong passion, the law of attraction, you just name it ... but the outcome is unsatisfactory. There are a few challenges that keep holding them back: 1. the purpo...
All you had to do was ask! I love talking about how our technology can be extended to solve other major problems. Message me and we can take it from there. Ryan @startupsco @getmoreclarity
I had the same question. Clarity told me it was a bug in their system right now and it will be fixed soon. That was a month ago.
I'd set up your profile around the most common questions people ask before they speak to a dentist. Look at a few other expert profiles, even outside of healthcare. And then create some specialties that are quite specific, which will help demonstrate your expertise. And then try inviting some ...
You can but it's dangerous. You want validation from your idea to come from who are truly likely to be your customers. Also, the setting creates more bias to answers then what you'd want in a good customer development process. This is a great place to ask about how to go about good customer de...