I agree with Joseph: an objective assessment from a professional will provide the balanced insight you're looking for. You can accomplish that very inexpensively with a Clarity call ... or a couple of calls to different experts. Here are some of the things we'd want to know (and which you can as...
neither. Your name is too broad and has no catch. Try writing a user profile. who she or he is, what are they doing in the morning? where do they live? are they married? financial status... type of hurdle, what are they seeking? what's most valuable to them - advice or step by step... based on qu...
Technically you can bid on competitors. Take for example Autotrader who bids for keywords such as Honda, Ford, etc. But the best advice is actually here http://searchengineland.com/the-complete-guide-to-bidding-on-competitor-brand-names-trademarked-terms-118576
If you'd like to talk to a professional namer, there are several of us on Clarity.fm. However, we generally charge for brainstorming, research, and consultation. Typically, a full service naming initiative takes days or weeks rather than minutes. That said, I have found Clarity.fm calls do pro...
Hi there, Two things come to mind: 1) Go to the networks directly and ask them about their fill rates, historically, in your target countries. 2) Once you've identified 3 that seem pretty good, ask your programmer to implement an ad cascade. S/he can probably handle this with a .plist file if you...
I have found networking events to be the most effective way to meet influential people who may be able to help you in your career. I have found job fairs to be a waste of time. My suggestion is to find out events that Facebook is hosting. Try to find out who from Facebook will be attending. D...
Google Search is already smart enough to capture those misspellings and shows recommendations for the correct words. Assuming that your website has been around for a while, Google will show users the branded site first in the results pages so the clicks will go there. Google figures out possible...
As former CMO of Expedia I can tell you that being focused will trump any theoretical upside of having different names. To this day there's a struggle to build daylight in meaning between Hotels.com and Expedia's core hotel business - and there have literally been billions spent on trying to do t...
Hi there - Based on my small business and entrepreneurial experience, here are a few suggestions to sell your patent on a game app: *Flippa.com markets themselves as "the world’s number 1 destination for buying and selling online businesses." You can sell a website, or an app (patented or not...
The main reason is everyone else sold or overreacted to the market and pivoted. Yammer sold for $1B+ to Microsoft but could've easily been a 30B+ market cap company. Slide had some issues and continue to react to the market trying different things - had they focused on a real problem, they migh...