Get this book: (not an affiliate link) I'm a sales trainer, but Claude has put everything together in this book already so why reinv...
You should always give someone what they deserve. Never more and never less. Most people don't know how to do this so they guess. They try to predict the future or they look for rules of thumb or they try other ways of guessing. Kind of like you are doing now. The best way to determine this is ...
Most of mine come from being eternally curious about the world around me - questioning how things are done, why things are done a certain way. Ideas tend to strike me when something happens that either makes me happy or excited (which I then want to make repeatable or shareable with the world)...
Hello, The first step is to get the idea validated and opportunity assessed. It is important for an entrepreneur to invest time and energy in idea which has potential of getting transformed into sustainable business. I'd be happy to assist you move forward in your journey. Drop a message/schedul...
I can assist you in putting together a plan to build, market, and sell your new supply chain Saas tool. I would need some more specific before I can advise you on your best next steps.
A few ideas: - Copywriting for their blog - Email marketing - PPC Ad creative - Basic accounting / invoicing - PowerPoint / Keynote creation - Social media scheduling - Email / social media customer service - Outreach - Guest blogging / writing - LinkedIn networking Using your chef example, thi...
This Udemy course is the best introduction to lean startup marketing that I know of: The content is very well explained in an engaging way with downloads, and screencasts which all help to show explicit examples o...
I regularly help franchisees in this industry. Send me a message with some of your questions and I'll let you know if I can help in a call. Cheers David
There is so much to unpack in your question. To best answer, I would need to understand much more about your product, vision, customer base, team, and what you mean by "strategic help." You obviously have some questions in mind that need answering, without more details, I cannot answer those que...
I've been a freelancer/contractor/solopreneur since 1974. My advice... Do freelance. Don't work for one company. In other words, have many clients. Be sure to arrange your hourly/ad-hoc work so it drives to some form of continuity. Work hard, till you have your first $10K/month of continuity...