Before even beginning to think about launching your project you need to evaluate why you want to do it at all. Just doing it "because" is going to make you go mad, you'll want a reason to do it because it will be taking much of your time up. Make sure you go over strengths and weaknesses . If you...
Without more information on your intention and the target market's use for the application, itself, the simple answer is "yes." Many digital products available for US consumers are developed/launched outside of the States.
As someone who's built WordPress websites for business owners for about 5 years now, I'd say start small, then scale from there. The important thing is to focus on delivering a unique service. The problem with this industry is that designers and developers always focus on what they can do for th...
I think that's a hard question to answer in the abstract without knowing the extent of your IP, the relative market potential for the product, your desire or need for institutional investment, and the relative contributions of your future potential partners. Have you considered a dynamic equity s...
I build API systems daily for myself + clients. Also other on-demand non-API systems. To provide you an answer requires a starting point + gathering a good bit of context. Best if you book calls with me + other people who build this type of software daily. Tip: Here's how I approach this for ...
Hi This is a very broad question on: 'what makes someone a successful entrepreneur?' and 'how to raise seed funding?' Entire books have been written on how this is done, so any attempt to give you a professional answer in just a few lines would be unprofessional. Nevertheless, I will say that th...
My answer might seem a bit too simple, but anyway: why not put both - your direct number for people who prefer to first 'get to know you' before scheduling a consult, and the Clarity widget for people who already know what they want, and just need some quick advice. Just take into account that i...
Hi, I'd be happy to help and offer advice, but in order to give any value, I would really need to get more information (for example: what business do you have or what business you're looking to get in to. Stay safe and good luck I've successfully helped over 350 entrepreneurs, startups and busi...
Sometimes a country that is generally in your market region may be better set up to support startups. I know, for example, that Israel has a tremendous startup infrastructure and accelerators, as does Latin America and Asia. So I would begin by asking about your industry and your target region to...
Hello! Welcome to one the best websites for all your solutions. Clarity provides you advices and opinions from the best in the industry. Just browse a topic, or select a category from the dropdown, choose an advisor and get your answers. All by the experts. Start browsing. Good Luck! PS. I...