Yes it could work. It depends on so many things. Structurally it could work. I have experience with creating a "moveable stage". Alternative venues like this are becoming more and more popular and super trendy. I compare this in some ways to food trucks. There are many things to consider though....
A typical and ubiquitous problem faced by any small, medium business is breaking the status-quo. The problem often fails to get resolved due to the sales/number focused approach envisioned by the organization. As a matter of fact, deciding around future enhancement (s) requires a lucid understand...
There is nothing more harmful to a good idea than other ideas. By that I mean, the inability to decide which idea is worth pursuing over others, causes each idea to suffer when trying to distribute resources in support of more than one concept at a time. Your question presumes that the most imp...
There is certainly value in starting customer discovery interviews. And no reason to wait for the delay that creating a landing page and waiting to collect emails would take. I would just advise that you get clear on your hypotheses about who your target customer is so you talk to the right kind...
I gathered some of the information from the Internet in this answer for you. References in the end. First you need to get exact answers to following question which require some thorough research: 1. Why does your audience need your services? 2. What propels your audience to seek your services? ...
LinkedIn is very good for finding people for all kinds of business relationships, but you encounter most new connections in a very roundabout and indirect way: through your own network. It can be slow going. But I recently found out about Purple Squirrel, which is specifically for job seekers l...
Do you want a job instead of to be an owner? No way! Read "How To Get Rich" by the dear departed Felix Dennis, who did not have to sell a single copy of his book because he was already bloody rich. (Compare/contrast against so many other "gurus".) You'll read that he says not to give one single ...
I guess this depends a lot on what sort of questions you are talking about. If it's life and love and "soft" things like that, intuition is probably better than any decision based on "data", what ever that would be. On the other hand, if you just have an intuition that you should set the price at...
So the bar patrons drive the value, right? If your fellow students start using the app (and start asking the guy at the door, "Can I pay the cover with XX app?"), then the bar owners will be the easy part. Focus your efforts on driving adoption. If you've already got 2 bars on the hook, then prin...
"Every contractor we talk to tells us its a great idea and they would pay for leads, but we have yet to have anyone actually purchase a subscription to our site." This seems like an obvious question, but have you explicitly asked them to give you money for the service? If not, then that is 100% ...