
Results for: Content Creation

I've been working with funded startups for a couple years as a content marketing consultant and my business has grown significantly year over year. Relationships are the king of generating new business in this space. It's important to become a key part of the startup community in your area and ...


Reach out to small businesses in your area. If you can sell them on the benefits of having a strong online presence and help them set up a website and a blog, you will get some solid first customers.


Hi, My answer is based on my experience with clients in this field. Nevertheless, seeing how this question is about the future, I wouldn't presume it to be 100% accurate. In the near future (5 years): an increase in the amount of 'players' offering online courses and increased growth of the exi...


Personally, I heard from many of my clients and in particular the students with whom I collaborated that they used the services of Excellent specialists for writing student essays.


Checked your website; very very cool. I used to have an advertising agency, responsible for sales & client strategy. I'll cannibalize an answer I gave on Quora for this one: About getting clients, do: - charity work - hackathons and Startupweekends and such - design competitions - direct work...


I have created numerous educational videos, sales videos and hosted hundreds of webinars. I would recommend checking out the National Speakers Association, of which I am a member, at If you are on a shoestring budget, you could try - but approach cautiously as it is mo...


I love this type of questions because it has to do with strategy which is my sweet spot!! My name is Humberto and I'm the co-founder of a digital marketing agency that allows small business owners and entrepreneurs negotiate their subscription budget. We started offering marketing...


Hi, First of all, based on the informative manner in which you phrased your question, you seem very intelligent and business/internet savvy - so either way, I'm sure you'll do great. Answer: I would go for both. Why? Because they are not exclusive to each other. Some people will just want to re...


One option is to create drip campaigns that can run automatically after creation. That way you've got content being fed to your audience on a schedule (X days from sign-up), and your overhead is much lower in terms of generating new content. When you have something meaningful to say, you can se...


There are so many opportunities to systemize the content production process. Make a detailed list of exactly what the end users wants to accomplish, how they can accomplish this (your secret sauce), and how it can be delivered. I'm happy to jump on a call to discuss details.


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