Any aspiring entrepreneur should be reading Fred Wilson's blog: Also, the team from All Things D just launched
If I'm reading this correctly, you're essentially asking if there is a market for marketing services. To which the answer is a resounding 'yes'. Effective marketing and sales is essentially giving people money. If you are wondering whether photography and facebook content is effective, there ar...
Hi. This one is easy to answer, but hard to solve. If you want to have live content in a mobile app that is updated over the Internet (ex: via the cloud), then you can *only* house that content on servers INSIDE China. I have a lot of experience trying to support everything from mobile games to ...
I have created numerous educational videos, sales videos and hosted hundreds of webinars. I would recommend checking out the National Speakers Association, of which I am a member, at If you are on a shoestring budget, you could try - but approach cautiously as it is mo...
Hello! My name is Humberto Valle, I'm a 10 year vet in the marketing and strategy world. I am the current CEO of, evangelist for a 100 Software Engineer community called BetaBulls and work with startups and large corporations from many countries. I have been involved with SEO one...
Yes, duplicate content is a big issue. Search engines consider it a form of spam and will penalize your sites in terms of ranking, which diminishes your traffic and can be difficult to recover from. Content is naturally duplicated when shared by people who refer to and comment upon one another....
The way I was approached as a marketing co-founder is that I reconnected with a friend at our high school reunion. He was a highly technical founder who had run his business for a year but wasn't getting the results he wanted. He had no marketing expertise and offered me a majority equity share t...
Business lead generation. Give the reader a taste of the content and have them fill out their info to get access to the entire report. Then you build a list that you can market to later. Hubspot does this well - As a rule of thumb nowadays content shou...
If you have a self-hosted Wordpress blog, there is a great free plugin called "Tweet Old Posts" which will promote older posts on a schedule you set. It works really well and is simple to setup. Cheers, Hani
Content monitization completely depends on the traffic that you are getting, because without traffic analysis it will be blind attempt. So first analyse your current traffic then you can explore monitization platforms like Google Adsense etc or even you can go with affiliate offers that will give...