How to monetize your blog? There are all sorts of ways, all of which entail their own challenges – paid advertorials, banner ads, contextual PPC ads, pre-packaged affiliate programs, negotiated sponsorships, etc. Now, listen; don't take this the wrong way, but not everyone will be smitten by th...
I'll divide your question into 2 questions, because I am not sure which one you're really asking :-) 1. Should I hire him despite the costs involved? You seem to already agree to this, based on what you wrote ("I am willing to set aside...assuming I see some ROI..."). 2. How to I justify his hig...
Hello! I would try job search engines such as Indeed. Also, update your LinkedIn profile and start making connections. Pick a company you REALLY like and believe in and follow them. Find people that work in that company doing what you want to do and reach out to them. Tell them you really admire ...
From the IRS point of view sub companies without an FEIN are the same as the mother company. Just add their names and profit and loss on your taxes. Sub companies with a FEIN but not incorporated are the same as the mother company, nothing extra to do here either. Sub companies with a Fein and ...
Remember when you start a business or are an established business you have to decide who is your perfect customer, since not all potential customers are equal, and not all potential customers are profitable. It is likely that the type of customer who is purely price orientated like those on Elanc...
I've taken a quick look at your site and am happy to talk to you. Take a look at my reviews here on Clarity. Product advice is an area I provide a lot of help to Clarity members about.
My focus is business strategy and development, I am also a geek-at-heart! There are a few things to dig into to get rolling. With your strength in tech - tap into virtual resources or even crowdsourcing to get the work done from a marketing and sales lead perspective leaving you to focus on wha...
Qualifications on the answer: Created the first website to be ever commercially licensed by a ministry of education for in-school use (Brainium 1996). Was a VC associate at a 500,000,000 firm called Knowledge Universe focused on all things education-related that intersected with technology. Shor...
Hi Sree, I saved your site as a pdf and have begun annotating it, let's schedule a call and we can go over a couple suggestions, all the best, Lee
First thing you should do is talk to a patent lawyer. Specially your employers lawyer. There is something called "trade secrets" that are consider all the knowledge that you are getting and applying. This secrets could be used by the company to sue you later on. Be very careful before you start. ...