
Results for: Customer Development

I have a link to a free course which should be extremely useful. I often refer my clients to enroll


Find apps that are B2B and go to the review sections. Specifically going to Google's play or Chrome store and look at reviews and follow them to Google+ to engage. I took that same angle for B2C app I was building last year. Check it out.


It sounds like you have a wound care physical product? Is that correct? Who will b the end user? Nurses in home health? Hospital nurses and general and trauma surgeons? Who buys products for these end users? Cmo of large health systems? Ultimately, you may need to consider cardinal health, M...


Identifying user personas is critical to your agenda. I originally come from South Africa, where the best "tech" startups are fundamentally copies of successful businesses in the USA or EU. The advantage, of course, is that they can copy many of the aspects of the original market leader: UX, UI...


My suggestion would be to connect (face to face if possible, Skype otherwise) with a couple from each category of users quickly (and multiple genres if that is an important category for differentiation) and then look to work towards the MVP,before getting more feedback (and ideally sales). Impor...


I would focus on getting the consumer MVP done. Sounds like you already have conducted some interviews for the other two segments. If that is the case, then focus on developing a story highlighting the pain points and benefits for the payers and health system based on the interviews you have cond...


You are facing a classic chicken and egg problem. You want premium projects but cannot get them because you haven't done any yet. To solve this, you need to think from your target customers standpoint. Why would a customer buy from you? What do you offer that others don't have? Once you define th...


Some suggestions: 1) Create a Google Adwords campaign 2) Create a Facebook campaign. Facebook campaign setup page gives you a great hack to estimate the market size based on interests and demographics. 3) Apply SEO (search engine optimization) tactics, such as: a) Highlighting key words on your ...


I'd avoid the cold email. The best way to get inside big companies like distributors is to "social engineer" a connection to someone there. Find a 2nd or 3rd degree connection on LinkedIn. Hang out at a restaurant near their HQ and look for people with the right badge on. Ask your potential a...


Always take into consideration what your customers want, even when building "what they really need", because it will give you insight into how best to implement it. On whether to "give them what they want", it comes down to what % of your customers want something. If 99% of your customers want s...


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