11 days and not a peep from any 'Top Clarity Experts!' Simple, find the experts you feel are high-converting and arrange a call. Let me know if your like to chat, I've been on Clarity since 2012.
OF COURSE IT'S STRESSFUL TO BE A PARENT!!! It's the hardest damn job in the world. Not sure you can have balance though. You just need to have a dream, execute your plan, and fix what is broken at the time. It's about priorities... Use tools to keep you scheduled and accountable. You'll be OK.
I've done a lot of work in this space (created the new art of conference network: Hashtags to handshakes). Here are a few thoughts for you: -get clear on you goal(s) and the type of people who can help you. -take inventory of what you have to offer(use this acronym Work history, Hobbies, Educatio...
One way may be to tap into local law students (or those working on an LLM in IP)
You can check out 2 sites: www.aliexpress.com/ and www.alibaba.com. alibaba has the ability for you to contact distributors directly. Debbie
Very unique question !! Haven't heard anyone raising this !! I do strategic IT initiatives and teach Intra-preneurship in corporate IT teams. We have Lull times too - Christmas, Thanksgiving with vacations and low loads. The best activity to do in this period is "IMPROVE YOUR BOTTOM LINE GROWTH...
I would recommend setting up a profile on elance or freelancer.com and look at doing freelance work. Pick something specific that you are good at (e.g. Windows PC maintenance or Network Administration) and focus only on that for your profile. Set your rate low compared to similar people with t...
Quickest way to keep your content is to use the same inbound strategy you have had success with but "pay to play" use a small budget and you can start with $5 on most ad networks Facebook might actually be a good spot as you can target the fans of your industry magazines and your great promotiona...
Disclaimer: I haven't checked out your site. Response is based off what you wrote. To start thumbtack is a free service to customers providing gigs. Contractors must pay to place bids. Clarity is free for consultants/experts and customers pay. There are issues with both: TT: Because is f...