
Results for: DJ

Great question. Check out this link: PLEASE go speak to a professional about this. You might call one of the tax dudes here on Clarity (go figure...). In the past I have always filed a return -- even if taxes were not owed. It buttons t...


Find someone in that industry and give them a path to partnership. If you want DIY training for online marketing, you can try MarketMotive (nationwide business marketing) or CompeteLeap (local business marketing) or Lynda (random assortments of tech training). If you want to discuss your busine...


The one and only thing you should do to validate your idea is... Pre-sell the solution. TAKE MONEY. Real actual money. The only way to tell if something is viable is to take money from people who will buy it. Don't be fooled by people who say you can't do this. Apple does this all the time. T...


What your trying is one approach to finding investors. Here's another that in my experience is far more effective. I'd tap your network, and it's probably actually a lot bigger than you think! Linkedin is the perfect tool for this. Look for people you're connected to, that you trust, and that are...


I have NO idea BUT... Here's a couple of things I would do if I were in your position and trying to find out. 1. Look at the questions on Quora related to this topic. 2. Look at the questions and topics being discussed in LinkedIn groups. 3. Survey the people you intend to give your talk to bef...


It's hard to fully understand the background of your question, but in general, it sounds like you want this company to start a pilot program with your service. To get them to be willing to start a new pilot program with your service, you'll need to make something that solves the problems that exi...


I think that all news site have app. For example my favorite is Flipboard. It have IOS/Android app


i was once a freelancer all the time i am accepting payments from different clients around the can setup an account on a online company the supports online money transfers and serves as an electronic alternative to traditional paper methods like checks and money orders. the most common ...


Typical pre-seed (100-500k) is 5-15% Seed (500k-2M) is up to 25% And over depends. The "potential of the next FB...." is just that, a potential. Don't fight over equity early but make sure you never give up more than 15%, don't offer board seats too early and no "right of first refusal" or "ri...


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