Hi there, I'm afraid that the only possible way is through promo codes. If I am not mistaken the person who wants to buy your app in Bulk wants to give it out to patients individually correct? Not that it is a hospital or such where they could simply use the same apple ID to login and put it on ...
I've worked both in-house (at Business.com) and I built and ran large agencies as well (eVisibility, Geary Interactive, Organic Media Group). IMHO, outsourcing SEO is the best way to go no matter what. And I'll give you 3 good reasons why. 1. In-house SEO teams (and individuals) get myopia. The...
There are lots of things that will make or break this... Do you have an intellectual property on your product? Are you sure costumes need/want it? On the to do list - need to develop marketing material and contact the company you want to license to. Having contacts with the right people/decision ...
Erghh...tough to answer because at 18 I know I didn't listen to many people...and I thought I was a "nice kid." A lot of this stuff is learned through trial and error, and this saying (which has been attributed to many people from Mark Twain on down) is accurate: “Good judgement is the result o...
Hi Jill, I am somewhat drawn to your question because of my own experience. Seems to me that you are the type of person who wants to raise your son as a hard working man. The type of man who doesn't take shortcuts. And that's it, tell him exactly that. Depending on how old he is, your first ...
A customer or consumer is what businesses want. The concept that every customer matters should be embraced. Even if you do not have the accurate information the customer is asking for; there is nothing wrong with being the first to acknowledge his or her question; even if your answer is let me ge...
Yes. For USA based businesses – we consult on everything from conceptualization to completion, including federal, state, and local laws/regulations, etc. We even provide referrals for Branding (Logo/Product Packaging, etc.), Website Building & Security, SEO, Google Search, etc. If you know wh...
You can get a trademark to protect against infringements on your domain name. It is essential for a online business. It is used for branded domain names. For an intellectual property as your domain name it is an intangible right, the benefit you'll get of ownership is that you the owner has a rig...
Being a part time artist, I can say the pricing structure depends on the category of artwork and the artist's background. Not to forget if you are dealing with similar structure as subscription boxes it is imperative to know what is your central product concept. Installation and procurement costs...
Offer the client excellent customer service. The level of customer service you provide has a major impact on the customer's loyalty and return. Publish customer's reviews and testimonials. Be transparent & Always put your customers first.