
Results for: DJ

The way we usually do it it: Objective A,B,C. Action A, Result A, Action B, Result B. You want to make sure you're clear about your objectives and the client knows what success will look like weeks/months from now. Simple Headers and bullet-points are enough. This is a good example of really simp...


I love this topic and I know it all to well ;) I work with small businesses Building Brand influence to increase sales on social media but I also Market info products like yours. I would ask: Do you have a specific process that people go through? There are a few specific things I want to sugges...


Hi there.I have have about 2 years experience in afiliate-commision-based business but have considerable experience in e-commerce and epayment solutions. This is a very creative concept and believe it has real value. Since your business model border around afiliates COMMISSION then I like to beli...


This is always a chicken and egg problem. You wont attract customers if you don't have sellers on your market place and sellers won't join unless they see numbers. This is how I would approach(I won't call it optimal as there is nothing like optimal here as strategies will change based on time, p...


Common issues are: * Sending the wrong message to a specific target group * The product/service is too complicated or not appealing enough * The reputation is not there - case studies, testimonials and actual reviews More expensive products and services need a solid portfolio of existing custom...


If I may ask, "What's your definition of *mean* marketing?" In my more than a decade experience with companies, people have always asked for smart ways to market a product or service. I haven't found anyone trying to be *mean* with customers, as the word definitely doesn't carries a positive conn...


The way I was approached as a marketing co-founder is that I reconnected with a friend at our high school reunion. He was a highly technical founder who had run his business for a year but wasn't getting the results he wanted. He had no marketing expertise and offered me a majority equity share t...


It's all about building a relationship with these journalists and bloggers. You want them in your pocket long term. Ultimately, they are usually interested in the same things as you, which gives you a chance to connect on a deeper level and make an online friend. If you make a friend, then maybe...


The way I see things, a pay-per-minute phone consultation ought to involve no sales pitch whatsoever. Nobody wants to pay for that, and nobody should. Consulting and sales are utterly different roles. Mutually exclusive, in fact. Is your value proposition external to the call or internal? A ...


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