It's difficult to provide you any real advice without knowing anything about your service/product, or what a 'signup' means (is it a free version of your product, a signup to your mailing list or something else) but generally speaking it can be any of the following reasons: 1) People sign up to ...
Thank you for sharing this question! The sales usually happen when the ads first run because Facebook knows who the most likely buyers are and once the ads have shown once, you are likely reaching the same people over and over. The ad campaigns I have found that make the best sales are in the fo...
As someone who's already sold to that fashion company who makes the decision. Just go and see what product their selling, then ask the product companies vp of sales or CEO if you can get 10 minutes for advice on your business. As for intro, get advice. Ask for advice, get intro.
I have found that the best way to create demand for a product that does not yet exist, is to capture the interest of people who experience a common pain that *does* exist. Focus less on selling the non-existent product, and focus more on clearly articulating the problem your product will solve. ...
There is NO simple answer for this. Is the app a game? Is it a utility? Is it a social app? All apps have different advertising/launch strategies. On a broad level, Facebook's in-stream mobile app ads have proven to be very effective for conversions so I would probably start there. The key is to ...
If you are aiming on iOS and Android with Windows Phone 7/8 as a plus you should use C# as the language and Xamarin Studio as the IDE/Framework. You may also choose to use Visual Studio on Windows as an option. Take a look on their website: Even Microsoft is using Xamar...
You mentioned they were a new client. What type of company are you? With that info we could help more. “However, they have also produced hundreds of copy-written material on their blog that are replicated all over the web ( other dental sites mostly.. ). Some of the content has been taken direct...
Salary surveys, talking to other people in similar positions are reasonable starting points. In my opinion, getting a competitive offer now and again (by interviewing elsewhere) is the easiest way to make sure that you're being adequately compensated.
Keep in mind that investors invest for returns. Telling a prospective investor that you want his or her money to grow your business but don't plan on ever generating a liquidation event that pays him or her a dividend is not likely going to work; angel or not. You may be better served with debt...
Dilip was very kind in his response. My answer might be a bit on the "tough love" side. But that's for you to decide. My intention, just for the record, is to help you (and those like you) on your path to success. And that starts with having a viable philosophy about entrepreneurial-ism and busin...