I have two answers. It depends on whether you've picked a specific field (eg. oil & gas, or fisheries, or biotech.) If you haven't, then you need some technical skills and some sales skills. The sales skills are important because once you know how to sell, you'll be able to make money wherever ...
How do you land a job anywhere? I like you file this under "job search strategies" Text me, we will work out a great strategy...
Most people -- regardless of their company or product -- go about attracting press the wrong way. The publications exist to provide value to their readers and increase their own readership. Rather than proclaiming how your product is the most amazing thing since sliced bread, think about it fro...
A great structure is having an internal champion present on each team, unit, office, etc. that can easily provide answers to benefit questions. This structure is particularly important if the company is spread across several locations without HR on the ground in each locale. On the more proacti...
You'll want to establish what the lowest hanging fruits in terms of customer acquisition are and maximize their leverage to grow other channels. Where is your traffic coming from? Check keyword volumes for related searche terms and optimize your SEO strategy to retain that traffic. Run ad campaig...
Hi, Apple cleary states the guidelines on what you can and what you can't sell on appStore from this guide: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/NetworkingInternet/Conceptual/StoreKitGuide/Chapters/Products.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40008267-CH2-SW2 IAPP basically applies to c...
Good Morning, Your question may appear to be a simple one. As a CPA, CGMA, and business performance expert for over 25 years now, I get questions like this from my clients often. Your options are not clear from your question, however, I will steer to you to where you need to look to determine ...
It is based on rankings. So if yesterday I was in position 1 and today I am in position 4, there will be a red minus 3 symbol.
The easiest way that will really hit you is, are you turning away business because you can't handle the load? If that is a yes, then you have to say, how much am I willing to pay a person to do the extra work? Lastly, the business you are turning away, is it enough for you to pay a person, an...
The questions seem quite open. Usually funds and serious institutions place description of the required fields, or at least underlined examples of what they expect. You have answered the questions above, although I suggest structuring it and revising it. Have someone within the details of the bu...