
Results for: DJ

Hello there could be many ways to publish your own book with a small cost. About the editing, you can edit the book yourself or hire a graphic designer that will do for you. About publishing, I can suggest platforms like amazon or blurb that have their own publishing platforms that allow you to ...


Let others do the heavy work: use a software solution. There are many out there, so start with exactly what you need to know (the information you need to have available comes first, then you determine what and how to track). Do some research on the available software and then call up a few compa...


Hello: That first toehold in the market can be the toughest to get. Especially when you’re working two sides of the street. Validating your idea is essential, but that means you’re in a listening phase more than a selling phase. Don’t simply write a blind email or two and wait for a response. You...


Did you know that having an fancy expensive website doesn't do it either...I mean you can pour thousands of dollars into a website... but without traffic, it wont be worth it... Find you target demographic.. Schools, Community Centers etc... and go old school... HANG UP A FLYER!.... that will get...


Maybe you can do Glamr and Shine should sound amazing and it’s nothing close to the other product so I would prefer Glamr and Shine!


Hi, Although I've helped many SaaS startups, your question is a bit too general to give an educated answer, because it really depends on the type of service you are providing, the niche' you're targeting, the clientele, country, etc. For example, launching a SaaS product for B2B isn't the same a...


You need to look at your KPI's. If your acquisition strategy can afford referrals, implement that, and ask your cleaners to spread the word (after they complete a clean) and reward them.


: Hospital buyers of medical devices contract with manufacturers with market power that sell differentiated products. The medical staff strongly influences hospitals’ choice of devices. Sellers have sought to limit disclosure of transaction prices. Policy- makers have proposed legislation mandati...


There is not a well-chalked path that you can take because both creating a path and walking on it is to be done by you, however, you can learn from those who made to the top. It can be anything that keeps your frustration away, yoga, drums, games or guitar. Airbnb started out in 2008 when foun...


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