For 50+, Facebook is a great platform, as you mentioned. Another one that still does well with 50+ is print, either in your daily newspaper, or magazines. It would depend on the behavioral targeting you're looking for, but print readers are typically 50+ and more affluent.
We normalize the income statement, compare with other frozen food companies that have been sold, then make an operating capital adjustment based on the type of sale foreseen. It all comes down to cash flow. (assuming you're making money) If you'd like to discuss this particular case just arrang...
As a FIFA Intermediary myself, B/R is all over social media. Instagram, Twitter, Snap, you can log in with your Facebook account. So it's fair to argue to have an expansive platform. They like platforms in the same ilk like S/B Nation, have grown from the fringes of sports reporting through using...
Do an independent lab test of each item to test for heavy metal contamination, specifically cadmium, lead, mercury and arsenic. Better that you get this information in advance before someone else does it and reports it, which could lead to a very fast business demise. For reference, check the pro...
Selling any product including "iPhone cases" on websites with high competition like Ebay is surely not an easy mission. There are hundreds of sellers on Ebay and other websites who are already selling cases. If you need to get some sales, you need at least one of the following: 1. High reputatio...
It seems like you are cash-strapped. Option 1 - you can do is give equity instead of cash. Option 2 - you can give experience and no cash. Both of these options will be slower than compensating cash. And, you will have to think about a marketing strategy once you get your MVP done.
Hello, I would suggest to make a clear difference between your - skill set and - market differentiation. I think, the answer highly depends on your current situation. What's your current level in photography in terms of photography and relevant business skills? Do you already have first client...
There are a lot of moving parts to this question. First, you need to determine in which states you have "nexus" and then determine do those states require you to charge sales tax, as each state has different rules. As an example, MA requires to charge sales tax to MA customers bu...
Are you already submitting your content to social bookmarking sites like Reddit and StumbleUpon? Those sites are great for gaining early traction. As soon as possible, start making a serious effort to convert visitors to subscribers so that you can rely less on social bookmarking sites. Make a l...
Dilip was very kind in his response. My answer might be a bit on the "tough love" side. But that's for you to decide. My intention, just for the record, is to help you (and those like you) on your path to success. And that starts with having a viable philosophy about entrepreneurial-ism and busin...