You can try setting up a ACE (adwords campaign experiment) where you take your 'tried and true' exact/phrase match terms and then triple the bid. See what happens to your ROI. Honestly though, if the campaigns were running well and...
I've worked with several business partners and some were Great, while others not so much. The great ones were referred through my network of trusted individuals. Reaching out to people you know and trust and letting them know what you are doing and looking for is the best way to find a partner. T...
I would add in the Do # 2, ask the employee to paraphrase what you're requesting. It's a common problem that people say that they understand what you say, and when the deadline comes, the result is not the expected. I call this practice "duplicate".
Here is an article about setting up AWS EC2 to run Play and Mongo: and there are also guides for binding to Amazon Simple DB and Dynamo in Scala as well that might be much easier setup than using...
Back when I started LinkedIn wasn't as huge as it is now. I wish it was. I didn't have a large network and those networking sessions NEVER brought me any clients. I used to go to all sorts of them hoping to get clients. There were a couple of nibbles here and there, but never anything serious. Th...
If you'd like a Forbes-listed, Marketer of the Year as your mentor... feel free to set up a 10 minute call with me. If you look at my reviews and do some research on me, you'll quickly see why, if you want an empire, you should get my advice. My average client grows by approximately 1,400%. That...
I know of a marketing executive at an online university. I will ask him your question and let you know what I find out. Cheers, Frank
I'm the CTO of a marketplace of proven to print 3D designs. We look at the two sides differently. There's not a single customer. In our case you have designers and purchasers ( sometimes the same person can be both ). Cost and methods for acquiring designers are very differe...
If you're a service business and haven't been able to make profit, then I highly doubt investors are going to get involved. The beauty of selling your time is you can get people to buy right away, and if they pay anything above $25/hour - then you should make profit assuming you can live off of ...
First, get a sense for what kind of design you like by looking on If you have any more q's, feel free to call me here on Clarity.