I would seriously consider launching a blog and posting content of the same type to the blog, in abundance. Then add a popup box to the blog to collect email addresses. Post daily blog posts about topics related to your blog and your newsletter. If you do this consistently, over time, you will bu...
Hello! This is a great question, my name is Humberto Valle, I'm a content and marketing strategist for www.Unthink.me. Our small agency bring big business tools to small growing companies. Your question is related to SEO, which stands for Search Engine Optimization. The reason why you don't see...
I believe you have not had any answers to your question because it is not detailed enough. There are too many variables for someone to provide a comprehensive answer. Why are you closing the corp.? Were you the sole shareholder? Was the capital infusion listed as a loan on the corp. books? Who ...
1.Think About What Excites and Energizes You This one's the first obvious step—we all want to enjoy and actually like our careers. (Perhaps the biggest sign you're on the wrong path is if you dread talking about your job.) While passion isn't the only requirement for being content in your career,...
Hello! You have to ask yourself: Why I need a business partner? What value this partner can bring to my business? How much this value costs? Does he/she shares the same values and has same vision like I do? According to answers you can prepare a nice offer and a small presentation. But do not for...
Hi: Congrats on getting your service app to this point. Fundraising takes a lot of energy and time--more time than you think it will. Instead of embarking on that journey right now, consider channeling your time and energy into generating sales: Bootstrapping the promotions and marketing to start...
You can fund your new Corporation bank account by depositing personal funds into that Corporation account for initial capital for the business. That investment can be classified as a loan to the Corporation or may be for issued stock shares of the Corporation (a needed conversation). I can help ...
Ideally yes you would want to work with someone who is a Food Scientist or Chemist who can give appropriate recommendations for preserving the food, multiplying the recipe and etc. Also, depending on your location, there may be differences based on the governing food or agricultural body for requ...
Investors fund businesses that show promise and a handful of bookings wouldn't cut the deal. How are you going about marketing and branding it? If you have a strong website that offers flawless experience, then, the right marketing strategy can be the game changer to attract the target audience...
I agree with Shannon, I think the first thing you need to understand if what is the goal for the SWAG you are selling. If the goal is a secondary revenue stream, and you believe it can be consequential towards your bottom line, then you can do the following: 1. Do some quick research on other s...