Hi, Apple cleary states the guidelines on what you can and what you can't sell on appStore from this guide: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/NetworkingInternet/Conceptual/StoreKitGuide/Chapters/Products.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40008267-CH2-SW2 IAPP basically applies to c...
You have four jobs to do. 1. Attract/identify leads. 2. Qualify those leads. 3. Convert the qualified leads. and 4. Fulfill the orders. Do you have a system for each of these? 4. can lead into 1. with referrals. You want as pre-qualified a lead as you can get. Qualifying is filtering. I...
The way I've always built my Customer Advisory Board (I call them my A-Team, Advisory Team - just sounds cooler) Before Launch - Find users who currently have the problem and have already solved it themselves. After Launch - Find users who are active / using the app AND have not asked to be on ...
Sounds like you have a bad apple. Customer complaints should almost never be excused by "they should know better" and these seem like actual functional errors. I would encourage you to replace this person as soon as possible. Happy to talk this through in a quick call
Well, if you're in a proven industry and have a track record of sales, it's quite simple... make the commission generous. I once worked as an advertising sales rep and while I wasn't 100% commission (my base salary was only $18,000, while I earned over $130,000/yr.) it was close enough that I th...
Rainmaker is designed specifically for the tasks you're looking to perform, and it's focused on conversions. Frankly, you can do all of that with great plugins with the WordPress platform, but you're definitely better off going with Rainmaker if you're looking for an "out of the box" solution. ...
1. Similar things exist - like Houzz. But that doesn't mean there isn't a need - see point 5. 2. Probably a progressive web app (this is an app that's actually a website but looks like an app). It really depends on the key functions that you need. 3 + 4: I would not buy products and then sell t...
STOP!!! DON'T DO IT. GO GET A REAL JOB!! PLEASE! You don't plan to be a consultant. You become a consultant because the experience and wisdom you have is so obvious that those around you are eager to pay you for your insight. It's a calling -- not a job. Giving your "business advice" to a st...
You are facing a classic chicken and egg problem. You want premium projects but cannot get them because you haven't done any yet. To solve this, you need to think from your target customers standpoint. Why would a customer buy from you? What do you offer that others don't have? Once you define th...
I actually just came across this article from Real Estate Crowdfunding Platform Patch of Land about how tiny homes are going to be very innovative and popular: https://patchofland.com/blog/growing-communities/2015/01/28/innovation-online-residential-real-estate-investing-patch-of-land/. In terms...