I'm answering with the assumption that you are going to deploy this B2B rather than B2C. Developing traction before the fact for business or enterprise solutions can be tough - you can't presell them in the way that you can with a widget, you can't drive masses of consumer traffic to them to t...
I would not try and code these ideas yourself. You may be able to find a developer that would work with you if they believe in the ideas, but that means you have to give up equity, and run the risk that they are not as passionate about the concepts as yourself. I would suggest you start reachin...
Eastern Europe is a big place and each country has different requirements and constraints for money transfer. So, it really depends on the desitnation you are sending money to. The most common type of payment is wire transfer, as many countries in that region don't allow PayPal. If PayPal is ava...
Always take into consideration what your customers want, even when building "what they really need", because it will give you insight into how best to implement it. On whether to "give them what they want", it comes down to what % of your customers want something. If 99% of your customers want s...
From what I understand, you are trying to help an SEO agency sell to other agencies that themselves sell to dental/medical companies? It's tricky without knowing more details, since this question keeps coming to mind: Why is the SEO agency interested in white-labelling their services to agencies...
Was this covered in the letter of intent? If this is the first draft, it should be able to be negotiated, but realize that the valuation should change, based on a reduction of assets included in the sale. Be prepared to extend the negotiation period by possibly quite a bit of time, or a rejecti...
It depends on how similar the businesses are. For example if you are moving from selling shoes to selling hats versus you are moving from selling shoes to creating web apps – they are very different situations. Since you said that the marketplace model is the same, then it is probable that you ca...
Sometimes a country that is generally in your market region may be better set up to support startups. I know, for example, that Israel has a tremendous startup infrastructure and accelerators, as does Latin America and Asia. So I would begin by asking about your industry and your target region to...
I'm not the right guy to evaluate your project as a business model. If, however, you do decide it's viable and want to give it a whirl, let's talk about naming, branding, and explaining your startup. That's where I come in.