It is very important; security, backup, maintenance etc... The problem is there are two kinds of customers, cheap and cautious. Cheap only wants to pay $12 a month.. and does not understand or want to understand that not having maintenance is a bad idea. The cautious ones pay anywhere from $50 to...
Xero's subscription model helps them grow sustainably. They have trained and positioned Xero experts around the globe. The experts serve a region and sign up subscribers underneath them. By targeting professionals who may already have a client base that is in Xero's target market (for example, CP...
Are we doing homework for you? I suspect the "best" business model at the moment is the one where the users create or provide the content, and the company is an organizer and platform. We've all seen this quote recently: "Uber, the world’s largest taxi company, owns no vehicles. "Facebook, ...
In the realm of custom work, fixed prices are dangerous ground. It puts you in a position to either say "no" or ask for more money when a project has extra needs, and that's never a comfortable situation to be in. You said yourself that speaking to a lead is the best way to make a sale. I'd ech...
What exactly are you looking to accomplish? What type of business segment are you in? do you have any capital? Do you have experience in said field? What makes you want to start "this" type of business. Let me know~
It may just be how I'm interpreting your statements and question, but I'm sensing two different approaches are on your mind. Getting clarity around your end goal will help you attain that goal. You indicate you are a consultant with a methodology that works. At the same time, you indicate that...
Yeah, technically it's possible. I can see the following scenario: the user installs the theme, after he activates it he is asked the company name and any data needed. Then this data is used to update the existing default data in theme files and database and voila, he gets the theme with data he ...
It is possible to replace the theme name with your company name within the source code - but why? Branding your company and creating engaging content will be far more beneficial than swapping out a theme name for your company.
Hi This is a classic market place which requires marketing to both sides simultaneously. I would start by selecting the most popular categories/fields that the users (employers/companies) are looking for (based on Google Adwords Keyword Tool or maybe checking Fiverr - if their services are the s...
Hi If you haven't already validated the market, then it would be best to start with something simple and the option with the cheapest costs. If you see that there is in fact a need for your service, you can always start developing your own version whilst the template version is running. If you ...