
Results for: Digital Advertising

Content monitization completely depends on the traffic that you are getting, because without traffic analysis it will be blind attempt. So first analyse your current traffic then you can explore monitization platforms like Google Adsense etc or even you can go with affiliate offers that will give...


I use ad monetization tactics to drive revenue for global mobile game brands. (Phase 10, Skip-Bo, Scattergories, etc.) Finding a way to monetize your users with ads without pushing them away is definitely a delicate balance. Answering your questions depends on 4 main factors: 1) Type of App 2) N...


I don't think you can find a single perfect example because that will be based on that particular company in that particular industry. But what you can do is look for a series of landing page best practices. My book, The Best Damn Web Marketing Checklist, Period! includes many of those best pract...


Facebook ads are heavily influenced by your 'keywords'. For every ad you identify and carefully implement key words and and also pinpoint where (as in geographical location) you're targeting.


You have a few options here. 1. Find marketing consultants or local marketing agencies that are looking for interns through local job boards and through LinkedIn. 2. If you already have LinkedIn, pull off a list of email addresses for your contacts and then write them all an email explaining pr...


Look--there's risk EVERYWHERE. You've already pointed out the hazards of developing a marketing strategy dependent on a single platform. You've also noticed that you need to set your price to buffer against rising short and medium term costs. Startups should test and scale with whatever promot...


Personalizing digital marketing campaigns is an essential strategy for connecting with individual customers and segments of your target audience. Here are some ways to personalize your campaigns: Collect data on your audience: Use data from website analytics, social media engagement, and cus...


Niche down to help a certain kind of client. Find out what serious problems you solve for them with your solutions. Don't talk about SEO or web design: you'll turn yourself into a commodity if you do. See this:


I've watched different companies struggle with customer acquisition, and I myself struggled with it. I doesn't matter if its a physical product, a service or an app. Attention costs a lot of money, usually more than we can afford. Paid acquisition should never be your main driver of new users, ...


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