
Results for: Digital Marketing Strategy

Remember when you start a business or are an established business you have to decide who is your perfect customer, since not all potential customers are equal, and not all potential customers are profitable. It is likely that the type of customer who is purely price orientated like those on Elanc...


The 1st thing you should do it to identify 100 potential customers from your group to approach them and to offer them to use the platform to test it out. These people will not only give you feedback on how to improve it but also will give you testimonials for your website. The next thing to do...


Niche down to help a certain kind of client. Find out what serious problems you solve for them with your solutions. Don't talk about SEO or web design: you'll turn yourself into a commodity if you do. See this:


I struggled when i first made my account but found out if i used a hashtag that i created or tagged a brand/logo or the area in the photo that would draw more people into wanting to follow my account try not to put to much hashtags though because then it looks like your trying to hard, pre-mote ...


There are so many answers to that question, but the critical thing is that you have to be tuned in to your organization's strategic goals. You have to know what the organization wants to accomplish -- and why --- before you can offer guidance on the best way to get there and how to measure your s...


Try getting someone famous (in relevance to your target/desired audience) to post that they are on your platform (be sure to make sure that the platform works and gives value before approaching them - otherwise nothing you do will work). p.s.: before launching, did you actually check that there w...


You can reach this audience by uploading the email list to various ad platforms, too. For example, you can create a lookalike audience on Facebook or Twitter by uploading your 200k list. Some percentage of those 200k will "match" a FB or Twitter user, and the platform(s) will look for users with...


I've watched different companies struggle with customer acquisition, and I myself struggled with it. I doesn't matter if its a physical product, a service or an app. Attention costs a lot of money, usually more than we can afford. Paid acquisition should never be your main driver of new users, ...


Fun perks? Hell no! Most people don't give because there's no assurance that money will be used properly. It may simply be feeding a habit or going down a bottomless pit. If a homeless person were raising money not for himself directly but for a reputable charity, then that might motivate con...


I own a digital marketing agency and I LOVE helping people with technology solutions! There are soooo many different inexpensive/free tools and technology solutions out there that can really benefit your business! Some of the ones we use are Facebook's Power Editor,, an...


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