Xero's subscription model helps them grow sustainably. They have trained and positioned Xero experts around the globe. The experts serve a region and sign up subscribers underneath them. By targeting professionals who may already have a client base that is in Xero's target market (for example, CP...
Are we doing homework for you? I suspect the "best" business model at the moment is the one where the users create or provide the content, and the company is an organizer and platform. We've all seen this quote recently: "Uber, the world’s largest taxi company, owns no vehicles. "Facebook, ...
In the realm of custom work, fixed prices are dangerous ground. It puts you in a position to either say "no" or ask for more money when a project has extra needs, and that's never a comfortable situation to be in. You said yourself that speaking to a lead is the best way to make a sale. I'd ech...
Personally, I think you sould focus more on social media than PR. PR can be great, especially if you need to deal with some bad press, but all PR tends to work very short-term. Social media can be a great way to build your brand and make a connection with your audience in a much more personal way...
Hi This is a classic market place which requires marketing to both sides simultaneously. I would start by selecting the most popular categories/fields that the users (employers/companies) are looking for (based on Google Adwords Keyword Tool or maybe checking Fiverr - if their services are the s...
Hey, I think the number one issue you're going to face is a factor of viability, to them you're a new website, not really well known and even if they give you the listing of the products, will you actually be able to generate interest and sales for them? Once we understand this it would be much ...
Great question! First, I recommend that you determine your specific needs and expectations, including the decision to hire someone on a temporary/contract basis or ongoing as a regular team member. As a next step, I recommend that you create a job description outlining the job duties and qualif...
Yes, it depends on what the goal is. If the company needs the money to grow, for example, then the company would issue new shares and the money would go into the company. Your ownership would be diluted but you'd own a smaller piece of a more valuable company. You also need to consider what th...
Hi, giving farmers ownership, such as shares, in your business would only invite confusion as the level of business awareness is likely to vary among all the different parties. Instead, create a relationship whereby the farmers have a direct benefit tied to their sales to you such that they will...
I'm going to give you a personal experience. I wanted some business experts to join a panel of judges and this was my "execution plan": Research universities and non-profits where this executives or business people give their time. Why? Most successful people that can teach (both are dif...