I think a better question would be to understand why people are cancelling after making a booking? Are you catering to business travelers whose schedules may change? (no amount of cuddling will save all sales) Are you catering to vacationers who might find better deals elsewhere? (appeal to th...
2 thoughts (as I've invested in and been part if a few real estate development projects). 1 - ask around and try and find friends who know people in the industry and ask for an intro. Don't go in asking for money, ask for advice - it works way better. 2 - search on Clarity for people who live ...
We have a few programmers in house but when we have to we outsource to a NJ based Software Development company - www.BetaBulls.com, their leader Sree is amazingly talented and well adapted to working with startups as his niche market. I know they have taken clients on equity before but is always ...
Hearty Congratulations on the Global Success of Your Worldwide (Social Networking) App. However : You Do Urgently Need to Get Yourself an American Immigration Attorney ; so that your F1 Visa Status in the USA will not Adversely Affect your Apparently (Rather) Successful Social Media Venture. Ow...
I consulted with someone in this space. He was extremely knowledgeable and could answer questions quite professionally. It was my recommendation for him to focus on speaking engagements. Many groups are looking for people to come in and speak. If you are experienced in, and knowledgeable about, ...
Not clear on the type of software you’re looking to get this info on but go here and it’s likely going to have data you want and i think you can also pull reports / lists for a fee. Lmk if this works. Enjoy! https://builtwith.com/
Having sold to these businesses in a variety of capacities I agree demonstrating the value and benefit to them can be quite challenging. The smaller a business is the more cautious they will tend to be with their limited marketing dollars. My advice is to focus on low risk strategies where you of...
What a great question! You are on the right track. First, lets define Avatar as "An icon or figure representing a particular person." In business application, an avatar is a representation of your ideal client/customer. A business may have multiple avatars representing several target demographics...
I think as a first-time entrepreneur who is non-technical, you should focus 100% of your energy on your clothing business with your buddy. There is far less required to make a clothing business a success than a startup run by a non-technical founder. I don't mean to trivialize the challenges of...
You can approach Airlines for co-branding, ask shops in Airport to promote the app, ticket booking sites to promote your app in signature of the mails they send .. there are lot of avenues. What exactly are you trying to build. Call me if needed. I am consulting architect with 14 years of exper...