
Results for: E-business

Have helped a number of people when it comes to generation of leads with an experience of more than 13 years in marketing and sales. There are a number of tools that will track leads for you and they vary price and functionality. Personally I would recommend to use Google Analytics because it is ...


Business scaling these days is tough but you should be happy to know you are in the right direction. From my understanding, you want to transition from being an offline heavy equipment rental business to a well renowned and recognized brand. However, in the online space, you will also be competin...


I would love to help you with this please feel free to book a call with me and I will collaborate with you to build your network. To fully help you I would need to better understand your goals and the network you need built. Just having connections is not a valuable network. Your network is on...


You're confusing partnerships and corporations. If someone owns 10% of a corporation they are simply a shareholder. Many people create corporations and refer to themselves and other founding shareholders as 'partners.' This may be the source of the confusion. A partnership (general or limited...


I think we are only in trouble is we do not ride the tech bubble for what it is worth and presents. The tech bubble success comes and goes. It blows up and then grows again. I believe there is no other cause than true internet marketing and social media. If people engage others in their social ...


People talk to people they like but people do business with people they trust. You don't actually sell them on anything you provide insight and help them on what's best for them even though it may not create an immediate sale you are building a relationship which will develop over time.


Divide your task in multiple steps. Then tackle each one individually. First, think on how the industry (in your case professional studio rental, but also production agency) is developing in the next years. Think of the context, competitors, new technologies (in video production - AI generated ...


There really is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best way to create a fintech app will vary depending on the specifics of your project. However, some tips that may be useful include: 1. Research the fintech industry - Before you even start brainstorming ideas for your app, it...


You have a big vision indeed. I've completed the first of many AirBnBs for this year, but single family homes. But, I've learned about how the system works. I also have a real estate development background as well as project finance expertise. Your idea of acquiring, converting, selling and m...


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