The quickest path to cash is almost always consulting. Be very specific about what it is you can offer. Don't just offer "business consulting". Find a niche and serve it. Reach out to your network, including friends and family and ask if they need or know of anyone who might want to hear about w...
Angel List ( is a good resource - people and entities are gauged on their 'signal' rating so you can see who's most active, and that's a pretty good hint as to who is most likely to have leadership/influence in a particular area. You can search by one/many of filters such as Market, ...
Forget business plan templates for a minute. Any plan for your business has to have the following points that cover all aspects of your business: 1- desired outcome 2- steps to reach your outcome 3- cost of each step (in dollar and time) 4- return on investment (ROI on your cost above) 5- risks ...
Probably not the answer you're looking for, but companies have so many unimplemented ideas that the likelihood of partnering to implement someone else's idea is really low. And besides which, the idea is not something that has much value in and of itself. If you're passionate in the idea, bui...
There are many things to consider when starting a business, a big one is whether to start a business from scratch or purchase a franchise. My name is Ajay Beri and I strongly believe in the franchise model and opportunities they present. I have invested in Jamba Juice, Subway, and many other su...
Best to explain why you're asking + provide a URL explaining your purpose/business. Many times successful prefer to remain anonymous. You're asking for highly private information to be posted in a public forum.
Hello!! That's a very good question you asked. Having been a entrepreneur for more than 7 years now, I understand how entrepreneurs are often serial thinkers and the rate of idea generation is definitely greater than that of execution. Focussing your thoughts and actions on more than one busine...
Drop Shipping businesses are good to start with. Handling the business from a garage or home per se is always a better way to start business. Before entering into such businesses make sure you are way clear about the commissions from each portal (Amazon, Alibaba, Etsy, etc) are giving away. Readi...
Congratulations for this wonderful achievement. I am pretty sure it would be a good idea. I am an expert in fundraising and investment, I could help you develop a strategy to target and land the investment you need. Contact me for more :)
Social enterprise and "most profitable" are in conflict with each other. It may be best if you focused on one or the other and once the idea works, then either make it profitable or add a social component. Trying both at the same time has a very high chance for failure.