
Results for: E-business

You must be very careful about this type of loan, as doing this wrong can have profound tax effects. This is called imputed interest penalty. So the IRS can determine a loan was paid back incorrectly + ascribe some random interest rate, then require you pay back taxes + penalties on whatever rate...


I would really need to see the ads that you're selling to be able to suggest what method to scale them with... but you hit the nail on the head...You have two options really...building internal sales processes or going through an agency. Usually companies go through an agency first, to get profes...


Definitely traction (marketing, sales, customer acquisition, retention) and not infrastructure. You don't have a scalable business, you're "seeking" one. So seek it first, then worry about scaling. Put it this way: If there's two otherwise-identical businesses, and P has "good infrastructure" ...


I've attended this class in-person and the video version of Michael Dearing's class on pricing is great. You can see it here: If you haven't already done so, I'd carefully study the effectiveness and uptake of "premium" services already offered by...


I work with a lot of startups as an advisor or thru 500S. Figure out what the biggest value offering for your idea is, create the simplest product that only achieves that big value and nothing else (if this means you don't write code, then great). Get out into the real world and start actually ch...


Sounds like you are off to a great start. In order to make the phone ring, you will need to develop a marketing plan that will continue to amplify your reach. Here are 3 things that quickly came to mind: 1 - If you are already on social networks, are you connecting to groups and sharing your in...


Banking Relationships - For this amount of money in emerging economies, a bank loan (or other form of debt) is your best option. There may be some private equity funds with an eastern european outlook. I may also be able to connect you to some investors, send me a message to tell me more.


Dan has given you some excellent advice. On the low-level, purely mechanical front, send your pitch via some tracked service like FedEx or UPS, for two reasons. 1. Nobody is going to throw one away without opening it. 2. When a road-blocking gatekeeper rolls you to a stop, just say: "Could I sp...


The most important thing is to make sure that your immediate network (Husband, family and friends) are able to support you. I have a 15 mth old and a 4.5 mth old and launched my company 1.5 years ago. It was busy, but it worked because I had people in place to help me (with the kids). The ultima...


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