Hello! My name is Humberto Valle. I'm the founder and CEO of Unthink Digital Marketing. We do inbound marketing services for companies and we actually have some clients who have hired to do just that. The short question to you is: You need to build relationships and leverage your expertise. Onlin...
Being as collaborative as you can be is a good start. Outside of that, being honest and transparent about why the changes are happening is a good way to build trust with the new team. Keeping a positive attitude and energy around it will also help to soften the blow. Most importantly, continually...
Many companies entering the Chinese market want to do SEO on Baidu, promote their brand on WeChat and Weibo, and prospect on Chinese online media. This is the first step to get established in the market. However, it is necessary to define your goals. For example, if you want to generate leads, in...
The real question should be what type of life do you want to live? Each individual you mentioned will have different expectations for paying for a service. That will reflect on the type of life you personally want to live. So first, start thinking about your life and how you want to live, what ty...
Setup a content rich blog about the tech. Monetize via on page ads selling your device. Buy traffic from Gemini + Outbrain + Taboola to your site. Also, buy display ads through Taboola + other Ad Networks to place on sites to sell your product. Build a mailing list of opt-ins off your site. ...
Hello, Great question! I went from a large firm to a small business and became the manager quickly. I ran and managed the entire office and that is how my experience relates. There are multiple ways to keep the manager enticed to stay in your organization. Here are a few ideas that have worked...
Reach out to me privately. I have a solution for you.
First, this is such a cool thing you're doing for the sake of serving humanity and the greater good. Don't give up on the media outlets, though, you may be able to come up with a newsworthy angle as your own "Brand Story" develops. Stories are everywhere. I'm assuming you have social media acco...
Sorry to keep it short. We can speak and go through the specifics, but keep in mind that IP is the lifeblood of business valuations. In a variety of cases companies both large and small are purchased for their intellectual property and the talent . You would have to go through a market discove...
Showing value without giving it for free and if I do, later having to convince that the value given before is worth $$.