Hi, If you were going to sell the business, the first thing a knowledgeable buyer (or investor) would do is normalize the wage expense vs. fair market. If you and the other founders are not paying yourselves what you would earn working for a stranger, then your financial statements are meaningle...
A crypto currency amounts to potentially strong substitute for brick & mortar-like and financial-intermediary based- transaction structures. It is a large idea, it is game changing, and it requires a rather substantial balance sheet and time to move from concept, to prototype, to commercial via...
Ask yourself: -Do you believe in their vision? -Would you leave everything you have to work with them to make their dream come true? -Do you have strong data that tell you that what they say will happen it's true? -Do you think the founders are the best to accomplish what they are going for? -Is...
The job description of your ideal person is pretty vague. You've told us about YOUR background, and some of your marketing tools, but we don't know a thing about what you're looking for. -A Killer -Startup Experience -Industry Contacts -Act with Urgency But who are you looking for?
Hi, If you have a good pitch deck and a decent BMC (business model canvas), "all" you need to do is start sending it to investors. There are lots of free, online lists on the internet. The problem isn't finding them, it's making sure that you send the right pitch deck, the perfect emails/contact...
The easiest answer to this is something a mentor told me a few years ago when I was working on a niche app....she said "do you honestly feel like you could be passionate about this for the next 10 years"? That may not sound like it's relevant but it is...honestly that's the only thing that matter...
Having done over 35 different financing rounds over 7 companies I've built in Silicon Valley - you should be giving up 15%-25% dilution in each round with a plan to never raise beyond a Series-C. Investors get equity for money invested, don't start doing "special deals" or it could poison the we...
By not focusing on being the CEO for the name and focus on your customers, employees, and the services you offer.
Generally speaking, Yes. I say this for a couple primary reasons. 1) If you do not place value in your product, why should the customer? And if you are not charging for it you are not placing value on it. 2) the customer will be more "invested" in the success of something that has cost them s...
Great situation you have found yourself in! Good for you! What your friends are doing and putting you through is common. When I have given out shares I calculate several things: 1. time they will be involved in the company. 2. the value they provide in the scalability of the business - not th...