I think that the answer is dependent on the level of technical talent that is already on-board. If you have an engineering focused squad, you can get away with rudimentary understanding. To your description a "non-technical CEO" is just that. Of course, whenever there is a gap in the team, it is ...
If you're a service business and haven't been able to make profit, then I highly doubt investors are going to get involved. The beauty of selling your time is you can get people to buy right away, and if they pay anything above $25/hour - then you should make profit assuming you can live off of ...
https://www.fraingroup.com - likely good place to start. Also setup Google Alerts to scrape Craigslist + email you immediately when something shows up you're looking for.
Hi: Congrats on getting your service app to this point. Fundraising takes a lot of energy and time--more time than you think it will. Instead of embarking on that journey right now, consider channeling your time and energy into generating sales: Bootstrapping the promotions and marketing to start...
Why on earth do you need a CTO for that job description? If the product is done, funds aren't likely an issue and you don't need a team to pitch @ pitch competitions if you functional and presumably decent product. Sounds like you need a product guy which you could easily hire who could network ...
Hello. My experience showed me that it is definitely not easy to get money from a bank especially in the early stages. It really depends on what type of business you are starting. Banks would usually look for risk management in the form of assets you own in case the business doesn't progress as...
I've lead the marketing team for 3 VC funded startups that all successfully acquired customers en mass, but along the way I've certainly observed a fair share of startups that failed due to inability to acquire customers fast enough. Here are some common reasons startups fail: 1. They incorrectl...
Issuing stock options to employees in a private closely held company can be a complicated matter, from both a legal and tax perspective. The exercise price per share should definitely not be an arbitrary number. It should be the fair market value of the shares on the day the stock options are g...
As someone who has built TAM models for various industries - I can attest this isn;t always easy. Many analyst firms (former analyst here) typically do some surveys and research among public company revenue reports for the year and then do some pixie dust extrapolating. The hard thing about a ma...