If it's an online venture better to get a prototype or proof of concept ready before spending on registration.
They met a need for lots of people. Their values lead to long term success, but their short term growth was due to meeting a need in the marketplace and doing really well.
The worst motivation for starting a business is the need for income. A business has to be built over time based on meeting a market need. Of course a business must make money to be successful, but this can take a bit of time. So, the real need is to use the online world to make money. Based on y...
The job description of your ideal person is pretty vague. You've told us about YOUR background, and some of your marketing tools, but we don't know a thing about what you're looking for. -A Killer -Startup Experience -Industry Contacts -Act with Urgency But who are you looking for?
Hi This is a very broad question on: 'what makes someone a successful entrepreneur?' and 'how to raise seed funding?' Entire books have been written on how this is done, so any attempt to give you a professional answer in just a few lines would be unprofessional. Nevertheless, I will say that th...
Any specific service category has its own unique areas that you can add value to your customers/potential customers. But what every industry is advice, just like you're seeking. Without needing to be an industry expert on a subject.. most sales reps will have a broader knowledge base on many topi...
Your question is too generic and carries no details about what kind of business you are looking or and what niche you want to target but if you would like to sell the business when it matures (or nearly matures), better go for a single product business as it will have less complications and an ea...
As I understand , you have domain expertise in travel industry and have a unique idea that you think will is needed in the market. I also assume that you did some study and came to conclusion that website is what you need (Not mobile first .. re-think !!) If you are a first time found I would s...
If you are the officer of the S-corporation working substantially in the business then you should draw a reasonable salary. You do this by treating yourself as an employee and running your wages through payroll, withholding payroll taxes, etc. You can learn more about that at https://gethelptax...
Ugh. Investors. Here's the harsh or maybe happy truth. If your Startup offering (product, service, information, courseware, consulting, etc) provides stellar value, then you require no investment. Do your launch + if money starts pouring in, either skip the investors of if you really must use ...