Just because your startup didn’t or won’t succeed doesn’t mean it was a failure or you are. In the start up lifestyle you get to learn things that other individuals at larger corporations don’t. You understand what it is like to raise money, work with little to no money, and really pour your sou...
The best way is always through helping your people to grow. Think about the micro managers motivation - typically it is fear driven. Alleviate that fear. Give them the One Minute Manager book and talk about it... If they are tough to approach, hire an outside consultant to come in and talk w...
The answer really depends on who you are targeting. I am assuming here that it is primarily SMEs in which case I would probably focus on sales and productivity tools. There are a number of tools like Pipedrive (Sales CRM) and Trello (List organizer) that I cannot live without. Whatever you devel...
Hi there, If I understand correctly, you want a definitive list of .edu domain names to compare users against to automatically approve them for your service? The most authoritative list would be held by Educause - http://net.educause.edu/edudomain/index.asp but you won't necessarily be given th...
That's fine. How can I review your web app? Is there a web address where I can download it or should we do it on a call? I have developed over 50 web and mobile apps, so I can provide the guidance you need. I would be happy to schedule a call with you to review your web app. Bruce
Congratulations - you're in a very enviable position compared to many startups - you already have an audience. I would recommend that you open a dialog with your readers - it doesn't have to be obvious (it can be), but you should include them in the decision, and find out what they want. You ...
Hi, I was once in such an environment. The company had an interesting way of dealing with the slowdown... they sold vacation time. Here's how it worked (and it may only help you in 2019) If you know you don't need a full complement of staff in the last weeks of the year, offer your employees ...
The most important thing is to make sure that your immediate network (Husband, family and friends) are able to support you. I have a 15 mth old and a 4.5 mth old and launched my company 1.5 years ago. It was busy, but it worked because I had people in place to help me (with the kids). The ultima...
If you're willing to simply get by while you work on your dream, look for an opportunity to get paid to work on that dream. Look around. There are jobs that are incredibly boring and even afford the chance to read while you're on the job. That would be a great time for research, catching up on e...
All successful sales come from the customer realizing that something of great value is being provided. Therefore, to be an entrepreneur, a person should be searching for something that many people will assess as having great value. In other words, look for something you can design once, and sell ...