Tip: You'll likely generate far more income, spread across far more clients, working freelance. I've been working as a Fractional CTO for decades. If 1x client drops out, there's another 10x on my waiting list. Or, if I require a cashflow boost, I just take on a few additional clients. Workin...
Before you attempt to sell to the senior executive you need to find out from his team why they wouldn't buy it. The senior executive will defer to his team prior to making the decision to purchase so you're only assuring your failure by contacting him at this point.
It really depends on what specific topic you're interested in. There are specific websites, distribution lists and blogs for many topics and nice sub-topics. There's even paid reports on 'insider' information. We'd suggest our blog for hotel tutorials (www.hoteliyo.com/tutorials). Also, check out...
It depends on what you mean by "Visualized Data." Do decision makers use graphs, charts, dashboards, etc? Yes of course. Are there some visualizations that wouldn't be of any value to a decision maker whatsoever? Also yes of course. You can't show me a word cloud if I work as a portfolio manag...
There are a few key traits that people look for in a manager, and the reason an employer asks for experience is to try to ensure that the candidate has honed them. Those are: "Big picture" thinking - you need to be able to detach yourself from the details and see the overall aim of your project...
Say you are releasing one feature. Now imagine you release ten features at once, and you manage to introduce ten serious bugs. If that happens, you probably have more to worry about than your release strategy, but it illustrates the point. In agile software development, we often talk about the im...
There is nothing more harmful to a good idea than other ideas. By that I mean, the inability to decide which idea is worth pursuing over others, causes each idea to suffer when trying to distribute resources in support of more than one concept at a time. Your question presumes that the most imp...
If I was you I would talk to those companies that have had great approach with retailers and learn from them. Some of this companies (not limit to this list) are: Reserve, Foursquare, Yelp, Density, Estimote Learn from them, maybe even partner with them
Hi I have worked on executive compensation in multiple companies and I am presenting information based on my recent work in this area. COO salaries in the US will range from USD 105K to USD 268K depending upon experience, location & skills being hired. This will include base pay + 401(k) benefits...
Hi! I'll start by saying that this is a tough one. I personally employ several sales reps, some 100% commish while others take te bigger of two: commissions for that period or a predetermined hourly rate (if they feel they won't do as good that week) With that said, these type of jobs tend to p...