
Results for: Exit Strategies

The less you need to sell, the more leverage you have. The fact that they approached you says that they want it. If 15k was their first offer, you can simply say no thanks. If you can do that with a straight face and resist the temptation to make the move, they are likely to come back with a b...


Hi there, I understand what you are looking for and I believe I have the right connections to assist you. I however, would like to talk to you in private about this. I have many connections around the globe in VC Firms that always look to acquire new assets such as yours. Please message me on ...


Its really tough to mention the best. I have a long list of US/UK based M&A, PE and VC firms list with direct contact information of key personnel. If you are interested, I can send them over to you for quick research. Thanks


Your question is too generic and carries no details about what kind of business you are looking or and what niche you want to target but if you would like to sell the business when it matures (or nearly matures), better go for a single product business as it will have less complications and an ea...


Mistakes are good for those who learn from them but there is no logical explanation why you would choose to go through a long expensive and time consuming learning path filled with mistakes and 'lessons' when you can just learn as you go from an experienced individual who can help you reduce that...


Well, lets work backwards: Structure is pretty simple: 4 year vest, 1 year cliff, for a percentage of the company that will match their commitment and unique contribution to the success of the venture. Running it by them is pretty simple: Tell everyone you can about the problem, the assumption...


What you are asking for has one simple answer: Marketing. I assume however that you would want a more specific how to guide for such marketing efforts. I won't venture in giving you a ton of possible irrelevant examples but I would like start our conversation by saying that if there is no marke...


I can guide how sell all , and share with you my the sites i use and even connect you with some investor who buy from me app and maybe intersting in yours.


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