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Assuming when you say 'vest' you actually mean exercise. It's sounds like an investor doesn't believe you will execute without the extra incentive. I'm not a fan of tranches of any form, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. Also, you didn't mention the strike price, so no way to know if...
More or less correct that in raising seed, that most companies that successfully raise, fall into two camps: either a conceptual raise (with little to no evidence) or a traction-raise. The conceptual raise is almost always easier but puts most emphasis on the founder(s) which means that without ...
Don't start with the KPIs, start with the responsibilities. Think of everybody in your business and list out what your performance expectations are of each person. Then determine how you will know if those expectations have been met: what are the outcomes you will track for each. Those are you...
There shouldn't be any "magic" to this. It's stock standard: 1. Set the conversion cap 2. Give them follow on rights should you need another round (you never know) 3. No anti-dillution 4. No liquidation multiple, just preference 5. 7% interest rate That's as fair as fair can be. Don't reinvent...
You can do whatever you wish with shares as long as the parties agree. If you have voting and non-voting classes of shares you can issue these for the cash investment. The question is... why would he? Normally non-voting shares have certain other characteristics like fixed rates of return or p...
First hire a credit cleaning company. This will cost you roughly $200 USD. I ignore my credit till I require it, then use a credit cleaner, because the entire credit report industry is pretty much a racket. All manner of junk shows up on credit reports over the years. You can clean all this you...
There are a lot of moving parts to this question. First, you need to determine in which states you have "nexus" and then determine do those states require you to charge sales tax, as each state has different rules. As an example, MA requires to charge sales tax to MA customers bu...
Normally, investors want startups to either exit or go public. They're not exactly interested in making some small return before. They want to make at least 10x the amount they invested, that's why it's worth it for them, even with the risk of losing the capital (and that's what happens to a co...
I'm Joe Bradford, a scholar of Islamic finance and an advisor. Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are permissible to purchase as long as they meet a few basic stipulations: the use case that they were created for is permissible, they act as a store of value, and they are a medium of exchange. Wh...