I feel your pain — I've been there several times in a couple of my companies. Each situation ended up being unique, and had to be handled differently. I think there are a few things to consider before you make your decision: -- 1. What is in your cofounder's way? Is you cofounder being held u...
I've done fundraising for two of my own startups, and advised 4 others. The only answer to this question is "now." As soon as you think you have product market fit, you should be getting in touch with seed investors. It takes time for these relationships to develop; and in the startup world, ti...
Hi there, I did this in my last company. If you are a c-Corp then you can issue traditional shares to consultants. For other forms such as LLC or s-Corp it’s much more complex. So assuming you are a c-Corp, then you need a legal document called an option plan that reserves the shares for options...
It would be useful to know the role you'd like your cofounder to play (i.e. technical, business, etc.), but here are some general ideas. Finding a good cofounder isn't easy, and your relationship has to be, or become, very close to succeed. To find one you'll need an idea that people can be passi...
No. You're too busy doing what it sounds like you are already very competent at. I think that if you work closely with great engineering talent, you will increase your overall product sensibilities. I think that the "learn to code" movement has become over marketed and is starting to take a "7...
The way I was approached as a marketing co-founder is that I reconnected with a friend at our high school reunion. He was a highly technical founder who had run his business for a year but wasn't getting the results he wanted. He had no marketing expertise and offered me a majority equity share t...
It doesn't look like any of the answers given have actually answered the question you posed -- so I'll do my best: The best place to look is within your OWN personal networks. At the end of the day, a co-founder is very similar to having a husband or wife. Your life will be tied to this perso...
Hi! Partner disagreements happen all the time. The good news is, most of the time, they are disagreements that get resolved for the better. I'm a business performance expert, a CPA, a CGMA and highly experienced at leadership and managing companies. Allow me to suggest some options for you. ...
This has been discussed many times before and rather than repeating a lot of those things here, I will direct you to one of the best resources on this topic. Clarity CEO Dan Martel recently released a video "Raising Capital Like a Pro" that covers most things you need to know about fund raising....
I have worked with a few international teams on business projects, and great things can be done across seas :) I would suggest really clarifying expectations and responsibilities of each position. Would the 4th American guy be amenable to checking in regularly (however you define that) on projec...