It sounds like your friend is looking for outsourcing services, where a company in one country hires professionals from another country to develop their business software. There are many outsourcing firms and freelance marketplaces that can connect your friend with developers who have the necessa...
The highest quality and cost is - $200+ per post. Alternatively, I've uses job board to post an opportunity, and then create a simple "test" for the writers. If they read the instructions and the content is great, try em' out .. if not, then pa...
Like anything to do with a startup, it's about proactive outreach. AngelList is a great way to research what people have done before. You want to optimize for relevant experience. AngelList however is very ineffective for making cold connections. Instead, I use LinkedIn and ensure to always w...
It depends on what you mean by 'stuck'. Emotionally or business not moving? I am going to assume the latter. Then by your business being 'stuck' are you referring to revenue growth, profitability, business not expanding, business you are in is boring or all the above? For the purpose of my answ...
The best way to find board members is to find people in your industry (or market) that show signs of being someone who would enjoy being on your board. These are typically people who 1) Are on other boards similar to the kind of organization you're starting 2) Are part of organizations that giv...
Well, if you're in a proven industry and have a track record of sales, it's quite simple... make the commission generous. I once worked as an advertising sales rep and while I wasn't 100% commission (my base salary was only $18,000, while I earned over $130,000/yr.) it was close enough that I th...
Check out or like the the person said What type of signup is it?
Don't do campaigns with mailing list which everyone is using. Rather create a new one based on your exact match. Trust me the result will be far better. With your list you can play around and get maximum result. I can be of help as I have the power of technology and research techniques. I can pro...
I've heard this question asked before: "What is your why?" As in, "Why are you doing this? What motivates you? What are you trying to get out of it?" This isn't a "unique way," but I'd recommend asking people simple questions like that to find out what makes them tick. Once you know, you'll have ...