You can start by having a text to download sign up on your website. I use Link Texting. You can also create a landing page that can build a email listing so that you can send emails to people who are interested in your app features. Read a article by Kevin Kelly called 1,000 True Fans.
In hopes to point you in the right direction, as it relates to the future of society and business advancements; A company that has arguably the most potential for drastically altering and revamping the way professionals execute verifications, background checks, and other skillset certification v...
I bring in cash from web based games, I like to play, we a portion of the time coexist with allies following a committed week and play with a glass of whiskey. In any case, by and by I simply play online considering the pandemic, I have been picking the page for the game for a long time outline, ...
I've never built an mhealth startup, but I have spent a lot of time researching and implementing gamified product experiences. I would suggest the following resources: 1) Anything Gabe writes + videos online 2) Anything Nir writes + watch his videos ...
"Just" a startup? Most technical and design talent are more attracted to startup opportunities than working for big companies. So the issue is not that you're a startup, the issues are around how you make yourself the most attractive startup to the talent you're trying to recruit. The best way...
Use to find them. They have a 14 days free trial. The tool will let you filter by founding and type of company, so it will probably give you what you need.
Ask the team. What do they think is a good use of their time? No one likes to sit idle. If they were on a heavy schedule to meet the product launch, some downtime is useful to regenerate creativity, energy and focus. Have they documented all the processes used? Have you conducted a post-project r...
You should leverage to help you target who to go after.
You can find your answer on the Small Business Association website for your state. If you still have questions, visit your local City Hall official and they can assist you.
Hi there - Based on my small business and entrepreneurial experience, here are a few suggestions to sell your patent on a game app: * markets themselves as "the world’s number 1 destination for buying and selling online businesses." You can sell a website, or an app (patented or not...