I have been managing multiple domains/sites for my clients since a few years now and I think the easiest and best way to do it in your case would be setting up simple WordPress sites on each one of them and managing them with something like ManageWP(https://managewp.com/) . If they're niche dom...
If you'd like to talk to a professional namer, there are several of us on Clarity.fm. However, we generally charge for brainstorming, research, and consultation. Typically, a full service naming initiative takes days or weeks rather than minutes. That said, I have found Clarity.fm calls do pro...
Maybe you can do Glamr and Shine should sound amazing and it’s nothing close to the other product so I would prefer Glamr and Shine!
Adjusting sail midstream is easier said than done. But, when the situation become inevitable, the sail must be adjusted to be able to sail further. Renaming, actually, is rebranding. It's often a case when sales starts going south, and survival is at stake. Yes, renaming always leaves an impact ...
Think about how other low cost offerings emphasize the discount level. Fiverr, for one. Cheap is a ticket to failure. For many, cheap means "easily breakable, unreliable junk." Although Google guards the information with its life, I also suspect that Google devalues the word cheap from an SEO...
This isn't something I've done personally, and I'm not the right guy to walk you through it. But it should be possible. Online I see some public discussion about how to do such things with Microsoft Rewrite and IIS. Apart from URL rewriting, by using host headers, you can even allow white-labe...
Having worked in the domain name industry since 2001, I would always suggest a trademark search before acquiring names. Please keep in mind that when registering a name, you agree to the Uniform Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution Policy (UDRP) as part of your registration contract. This means that yo...
Let me start off by saying that my expertise is in domains proper – not websites and certainly not SEO. So I can't say with absolute certainty that a whois change won't affect Google rankings. Nobody CAN give you that kind of reassurance, since Google's algorithm is so inscrutable. What I can ...
If you like it, go for it. Blogging takes a lot of energy and commitment, so go with a name that resonates with you first and foremost - you want it to be a place you really enjoy writing. That said, it can be helpful to 'brand' something in a way that's easy to remember - easy to spell, easy to ...
Try the telephone test. Every time someone in your family or someone else at the company calls you, answer the phone with the name. How does that feel to you? Does the person at the other end understand exactly what you just said? Try the cocktail party test - imagine you're at a football game o...