Invest it in yourself and find a great job that will pay the bills while you work on your own venture. Whether that means buying new work-appropriate clothes, books in your profession, a new certification or even interview coaching is up to you. I'd find a company that is emerging in an industry ...
I can help with registering your brand with Amazon. Contact me if you would like to talk.
There isn't one. You basically need to scape everyone for the data unless they give you an API. This gets pretty hard. I know a startup in Singapore that could probably help.
From the looks of it, you might have to hire a PHP developer from Elance or ODesk to write something custom. There are tools that can find the results but its going to hard for them to remove certain ones automatically.
I have experience in monetizing and selling companies both based on paid memberships to a forum and online courses. In both cases the value derives from you or your brand driving the purchase. So, you can't just create a course or private message board about, say, how to fix BMWs. There has to be...
The answer is: as soon as possible. Trademarks can take 1-2 years before you go through the entire process. You can apply for a trademark yourself on the USTPO site. Might help to have a lawyer or paralegal help you if you are inexperienced. A simple filing costs a few hundred in fees depending o...
That one question entails several separate answers. .TRAVEL is little used and practically unknown to the general public, even though it has been around for 7 or 8 years. Partly that's because the .TRAVEL registry mandates a special application process that confines use of the extension to part...