10,000 email address is a good number. You can target them through multiple ways. You can upload the entire list along with first name, last name, location, contact number(if available), email id etc. on Facebook and can target them through Facebook and Instagram. The same can be implemented thro...
The easiest pitch would be to have a base retainer (say 1000$ a month) and then % of revenue increase since the baseline. It makes it easy for them and is far compelling cause you are now a revenue cost rather than a recurring sunk cost. The typical ecomm transaction has 10-12% margins? And th...
The best thing to do is to do physical, on-the-ground outreach. Part of the success of Tinder as well as many other apps before it were that they threw great parties and events on or near college campuses. The promise of free booze, free food, or really free anything will draw a crowd. Start i...
I haven't come across something that does exactly that. If it's a relatively small number of companies you refer, signing up to an affiliate program for each of them is probably easiest. If the number of brands/companies is bigger, this sounds like something that should be built. Would love to ha...
Seems like you're headed in the right direction, especially with the webinars and the guest blogging - these are a great way to increase the interest to your service. Also, 900 subscribers by May sounds totally realistic. However, the website definitely needs a lot of work. It looks like a gene...
Not clear on the type of software you’re looking to get this info on but go here and it’s likely going to have data you want and i think you can also pull reports / lists for a fee. Lmk if this works. Enjoy! https://builtwith.com/
Use Gmail to import everything into one account. https://support.google.com/mail/answer/21289?hl=en It's a good idea to keep accounts separate though if they are for different purposes. You can setup filters in Gmail for important emails. I also find it very helpful to use Google Chrome's User A...
You need to think about these auto-responders in terms of events. If you can put data up on MailChimp when an event takes place, you can manage auto-responders off of that data. Here is some additional information from their website. http://kb.mailchimp.com/article/how-do-i-create-an-autoresponder
This is the kind of question I usually get by most of my clients and love the opportunity to help with a few ideas. Since you are planning to offer the spaces mainly for art events, meetings and popup shops, you are mainly targeting locals rather than tourists in the first place. So I would focus...
Try Dun & Bradstreet (DNB.com) to buy email addresses with one time fees instead of monthly subscriptions. I get them for free using an automated combination of tools that allows me to target specific people. If that's something you want, request a 15 minute call, which will be enough time for ...