
Results for: Gmail

I know of a marketing executive at an online university. I will ask him your question and let you know what I find out. Cheers, Frank


We have been down the same road in the past for sure. Time and Time again. E-mail is a terrible strategy phone is always best. A great way to get a response is to text them if you have their mobile numbers. A great site for that is Also What does your caller ID read ie when you call do...


One option is to create drip campaigns that can run automatically after creation. That way you've got content being fed to your audience on a schedule (X days from sign-up), and your overhead is much lower in terms of generating new content. When you have something meaningful to say, you can se...


Hi This is a good question. I think that the best use of your old email list depends on "how" you got the emails + "why" people gave them to you (at the time). Examples: did they buy a product? Sign up to a newsletter? Contact you? Based on "how"/"why" you got the emails, you can then reach ou...


Do both. Verify but continue to let them use the site in a limited capacity or even better have a message at the top reminding them to verify as they use the site. Keeping the message up will drive the right people to verify and the wrong people to continue to not verify.


Use the "audience" feature on facebook and import all of your emails. Facebook will match them so that you can ran ads to promote your new startup or service to whoever has a fb profile with that email. Happy to help if you need more info


Why don't you do a design hack rather than change. Add in the image of the actual report they get to get people excited. Also add it to your sidebar of the site and have your right side pop up show up further down.


I've worked with several companies marketing products ranging from $10 ebooks to $1,000+ products, and they've all had success using a relatively simple formula: 1. MAKE PEOPLE'S LIVES BETTER. Everyone gets too much email, so if you're going to put another message in someone's inbox, it had bet...


It sounds like you are on the right track. In today's world, people consume so much content every day that it makes very difficult for businesses to break through that clutter and get their attention. The big takeaway I think you should continue to focus on is making your message more relatable....


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