
Results for: Google+

What the others said about 301 Redirects is correct, but you should make sure nothing is left out. I find it is better to plan ahead as much as possible to avoid errors which could affect your rank. Using free tools like SEO Spider can help you figure out all the links on your site that point to...


We can help. Send me a message with your email and the URLs you're looking at fixing and I'll shoot you over a quick consulting contract.


I'd suggest that "best" depends on who you're targeting and what your conversion goals are. Have a look at Facebook ads, I've had better performance there recently.


Read the book What Would Google Do?! Their business models peaked at the right times and their brand is sticky because the technologies work. They make the complicated world of information on internet simple to navigate. Like the Apple products, it is a tool that anyone can use and feel good...


Hi. This one is easy to answer, but hard to solve. If you want to have live content in a mobile app that is updated over the Internet (ex: via the cloud), then you can *only* house that content on servers INSIDE China. I have a lot of experience trying to support everything from mobile games to ...


Don't worry about Google Page Rank. It's already been declared dead ( Instead you should figure out how to get high quality and editoral links - which is the essence of page rank.


In my experience, starting out testing one against the other is ideal (i.e. running campaigns on each and seeing which performs better). It's also important to look at what your immediate and long term goals are for the spend. Are you trying to sell them something now, keep them engaged for a l...


That's a huge question - but in my view it really boils down to four things: 1) A clear sense of the problem they were trying to solve; 2) Crystal clear focus on only the most high-impact things; 3) Relentless pursuit of excellence in execution. 4) Luck. That fourth one mightn't be a popular one...


Google has placed importance on responsive design because it improves user experience and therefore more users visit the site and stay on the site longer. In turn this raises the sites ranking in Google. Your site content still needs to be good for you to rank in Google. Making a poorly ranking s...


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