Hello! This is a great question, my name is Humberto Valle, I'm a content and marketing strategist for www.Unthink.me. Our small agency bring big business tools to small growing companies. Your question is related to SEO, which stands for Search Engine Optimization. The reason why you don't see...
Yes, that can definitely be a problem if you are not redirecting all of your traffic to one or the other. The easiest way to solve this is to add a simple redirect to your site's .htaccess file. Here's an example of how to redirect all non-www traffic to www: RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^domain.c...
Ensure your profile was compelling. Build a business page. Join related Google groups. Contribute to those conversations. Follow influencers in the space (sometimes they follow back, though the follow first strategy works better on Twitter). Write blog posts and share those on Google+ (and ot...
Yes, it will track. They're pretty good at parsing partial data. The more you provide, the better you can slice the data later but anything pretty much goes in.
If the transaction happens on the same website, as the test, you don't need to do anything. The user has a cookie that attributes the version of the test to the revenue tracking in your testing software (Optimizely, VWO). Once you connect the Google Analytics with testing software, you should be ...
Hi there, I have been a social strategist and media director for 5+ years. Behind the scenes, a lot of the strongest white hat SEO tricks/tactics are going to apply. It simply requires time and some research. There are keywords for search/ads and there are video keywords, as well. That's why when...
You'll never get indexed by Google right away, it's going to take at least a few days or weeks, but there are a few things you can do to speed up the process as much as possible. 1. Create at least one simple landing page while your site is being developed and include a few paragraphs of text ex...
Here you can find a solution: http://www.lunametrics.com/blog/2015/03/19/eliminating-dumb-ghost-referral-traffic/
Those updates are great because it made white hat SEO guys focus on what we know it always worked in the long term and elimiated the competition that tried to get in front with fast black hat tactiques.
I'd recommend framing your Adwords ads in a positive light - instead of calling out specific medical issues in your copy, describe the benefits. (ex: instead of "Experiencing hearing loss?" try "Improve your hearing!") I imagine there are several ways to rephrase your copy to get your ads approve...