
Results for: Hacking

It's hard to give a really cut and dried answer without knowing all the details, but here are some tips based on my experience: First the bad news: from the way your question is worded, it sounds like you built the app without validating first. What I mean by that is that you didn't go out to th...


Hi! This is a very ambitious question! Good for you but you weren't as targeted/realistic as you should be asking the question. Growth hacking is not magic, it works but not over night and not specifically for a set number of users or conversions. Ultimately what you want is number of users d...


There is quite a bit of information available online about eCommerce conversions rates. According to a ton of sources, average visitor-to-sale conversion rates vary from 1-3%. This does not mean the Furniture conversions will be the same. The bigger problem is that visitor-to-sale conversions ar...


Retention - if you build something people want/use AND come back and use often, then you can usually figure out a business model to make it work (if there's a big enough market).


I don't think I would add anything to Sean's pyramid but I do have my own approach to things that essentially breaks it down a bit more to a granular approach. 1. Find users who've had success If you're lucky to have 100-1000 users, I'm hoping you can identify 5-20 of them that love your produc...


Easy :) There are a number of companies that make games which would work with your steering wheel. If those companies have captured the email address of their users (or have the ability to send push notifications to the device) then they already have a direct relationship to your market. Go to ...


Well, you'll certainly have a lot of options for where to focus your marketing efforts, since entrepreneurs are a huge market and pretty much everywhere on the web. I'd recommend testing some different social media channels - grow a brand presence on the major networks, and if you have the budge...


For the sake of getting your question answered here it would help to simplify but that aside without firm stats on engagement and sharing it would be difficult to say however with the paid expansion of game like Flappy Bird, Angry Birds I would say viral apps come close to if not over a k-factor ...


If I were you I try the following (assuming you know which stores you want): 1. Play dumb and call their support number and when they answer tell them that you dont know why you were routed there when you wanted to talk to the marketing department. 2. Create an email blast to either info@thest...


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