
Results for: Healthcare

I think the problem is not in pain relief but in using the words healing if you don't have data. Relief is measureable yes, but its also very subjective to the person. Take in consideration Chiropractors ( or Magnetic Physiotherapists ( - these servi...


Well, ask yourself who would want to get in front of physicians? I know a doctor who likes to go to Las Vegas for continuing education classes. There is a company there who offers this training. I bet they'd love to either sponsor this kind of publication or make you a sales affiliate. Really...


Social media channels like facebook are a great way for doctors to market digitally and cheaply. I recommend "humanizing" the doctors practice in a series of posts so clients and potential clients already feel like they know the staff and that they are just "going to some doctor" Consistant goo...


Whenever you write on Clarity keep in mind that they are not just reading but speaking your words loud and clear inside their head. Communication has three key aspects. Tone of the voice, Body Language and Words, on Clarity two are absent and one is present. Words play a vital role in virtual com...


As an expert in small business, small business HRA can be best managed if the reimbursement on healthcare are done and all employees are included into the insurance. It is prudent to handle the insurance and factor it in your payroll to avoid penalties. It is worth purchasing a software if the as...


Trying to get free advice about starting an international pharmaceutical company probably isn't the best way to go, man. That's your biggest red tape.


I could provide some feedback about the main questions, however I can not answer the follow up question because I do not know about construction. What I could tell is that construction materials and design affect the 'sustainability" of a business. To manage the energy consumption of a building t...


Go to your Tech Transfer office and talk to them about what other technologies in a similar space have been spun out, who is involved in each company from the university and outside. Find out those faculty, entrepreneurs and investors and talk to them. They will know who is most interested in wo...


Assuming you are qualified to create this kind of offering, I think you can safely determine that there is need for this service. I know many doctors who struggle with the business of their practice and could benefit from coaching. That being said, if you believe this is an area you want to devo...


Start by triangulating all of your prospects (via Crunchbase, Angel List, and LinkedIn) with those angel and VC firms located in cities that do a lot of investing in the healthcare sector—e.g., San Francisco, Boulder, Nashville. Then, start connecting with founders/executives of those firms' port...


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