
Results for: Idea Generation

Your question is very general. I'd suggest you locate people in Clarify which seem to provide useful advice + book calls with several of them. How you approach Marketing depends on many factors. Whether you're an introvert or extrovert, to me, is the most important starting point, because if y...


Hi there! Here's an awesome article with a wealth of information on the topic (HAPPY READING!!!): If you want to discuss this topic in more depth and provide more ...


Build naming and domain procurement into your process. Letting your startups "wing it" will result in a lot of crash landings.


What is the quality of that $140 per lead? Does that lead into a $1000 sale? We often think that a lead that costs $100+ or more is an expensive Cost per lead, but if it brings high quality leads that turns into a significant profit, I'll be happy to spend more $140 to get more of these types of ...


There are a lot of places where you can try to get validation for your idea. But before you start going to look for these places, get your Buyer Personas (the representation of your ideal customers) in order. If you know who your ideal customers are, then the next step (of finding where they han...


It really depends on your thinking. If we have the mindset that something or someone is going to annnoy us, then it probably will. The reason being is because you have already turned your power over. However, if we keep the mindset that we will not let things interfere with our emotions negativel...


I wrote an answer to a similar question today which you can find here: The one flaw to your current process is this premise: "Whereas, if I focused on a good idea the whole process of driving success would be easier." This - from my experience - is simply not the case....


The two answers here are right in a sense to call to your attention what a challenging endeavour it will be, should you decide to pursue this, but neither actually answer your question as you've stated it. You should begin developing this idea by doing customer development with other peers in yo...


I had someone recently come to me over this same issue & i helped them tackle this problem ,There are alot of reasons that can make on annoyed or irritated in the day to day activities of a business . There are issues of competences and the need to recruit the right management, the financial m...


I would say, what you are hearing is correct - I would take all 4 of those as MAIN factors. Maybe add another two - Verticals that you are an expert in. - Verticals where you will have enough $$ to break into / develop / support for some time, until you start making profits. Most startups op...


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