The other answers are good, and here is one practical approach to handling this. First, the accounting capitalization (10m x $0.001 = $10k) is really irrelevant. In fact, we went for 10m x $0.0001 = $1k. Whatever you pick, your company after formation will show $X of assets (the cash in the back)...
Best option is H&R Block Executive Tax services. They're way cheap, compared to accountants. More importantly, their agents are required to go through courses + develop competency on every change to US tax code. Since you have US citizenship, you'll be taxed on 100% of your world wide income. ...
There are only tax implications for the business in it's domicile of jurisdiction (where the business is organized). Contractors in US will have US tax implications, if they actually reside in US. If they live outside US, for more than 330 days/year, they qualify for the Foreign Earned Income Ex...
I'm reading a book called, "Disciplined Entrepreneurship: 24 Steps to a Successful Startup" written by Bill Aulet. The 24 steps are broken down into six categories: 1: Who is your customer? 2: What can you do for your customer? 3: How does your customer acquire your product? 4: How do you make ...
To answer this question, I would need to know a lot more (how many other founders, employees, background of the CTO, etc.). A great resource for thinking through founder equity is this post by Joel Spolsky.
I believe you have not had any answers to your question because it is not detailed enough. There are too many variables for someone to provide a comprehensive answer. Why are you closing the corp.? Were you the sole shareholder? Was the capital infusion listed as a loan on the corp. books? Who ...
You can operate your business as a business unit under the corporation through a DBA. There is nothing stopping you from doing that. You might want to check your insurance policy to make sure you are covered but there are no business form issues that I'm aware of that would stop you from doing th...
I am not an attorney nor an accountant. This is not "professional advice". An S-Corp is like a pipe you run water (revenue) through for tax benefits. An LLC is a more rounded entity. If you're planning to raise money, issue stock, or sell the firm, the LLC is the better choice. My accountant ...
From an identity and branding standpoint, it sounds like your operations in the two states provide the same product or service to the same target demographic. Thus, they should stay as a unified brand as far as your look and feel, including logo, website, business cards, and social media. It's no...
You have a few options here: Register for a post office box by clicking here ( Alternatively, you can fill out and take the paper form ( to your ...